Denali:’s New AI-powered DevSecOps Platform, a leading company formed in 2020 through the merger and acquisition of multiple enterprise software vendors, including CollabNet VersionOne, XebiaLabs, Arxan, Numerify, and Experitest, is revolutionizing the world of software development with its latest offering. Today, the company announced Denali, an innovative AI-powered DevSecOps platform that aims to help businesses overcome the challenges of securely releasing new software to end users.

Driving Innovation with AI

Denali provides software developers with AI-driven assistance and insights, utilizing trustworthy knowledge resources assembled by By leveraging AI technology, Denali surfaces the best and most relevant security features, code suggestions, and frameworks, thereby helping developers enhance the security and efficiency of their software.

“As companies embark on their AI adoption journey, we are seeing exponential improvements in application development,” said Derek Holt, CEO of “But with the vast adoption of AI code-assist tools, the question becomes, can DevSecOps processes, teams, and tools keep up with developer improvements? Businesses need to support an enhanced developer experience while overcoming roadblocks in their release pipelines, toolchains, and security challenges. We have designed Denali to empower teams at every stage of the software development life cycle (SDLC), helping to align developer outcomes with business strategy and accelerate innovation throughout the enterprise.”

Automating Software Delivery at Scale

One of the key advantages of’s Denali is its ability to automate software delivery at scale for enterprise customers. Whether it’s building and deploying new applications, incorporating new features and security measures, or fixing bugs, Denali utilizes AI to simplify and streamline the entire process. This ensures a smoother and more efficient experience for end users, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction.

In addition, offers ARM processor protection on iOS devices during the testing and deployment of new applications. This feature prevents the processor from being overworked, ensuring a seamless end user experience without degradation.

Furthermore, supports cloud-native app development and provides integrations with Terraform, Azure, and AWS security features, making it a versatile and comprehensive solution for businesses.

Success Stories

Several companies have already benefited from and its Denali platform. Brazilian cybersecurity firm Leadcomm, for instance, has partnered with to enable secure digital transformation in leading financial services companies. Jhonny Telles, Leadcomm’s Director of Digital Transformation, praised for continuously reinvesting in their solution to meet the evolving needs of banking customers. Telles highlighted the new ARM Protection feature as a valuable addition that streamlines application protection while eliminating unnecessary steps.

Notable brands such as Verizon, CVS, Discover, Procter & Gamble (P&G), and Rogers Telecom of Canada have also chosen as their trusted software development partner. The company proudly states that it works with 53% of the Fortune 100, including 8 of the top 10 banks in Europe and the U.S. and four of the top 5 U.S. airlines.

Headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina, has a global presence with offices around the world. Denali is available for businesses starting today, though specific pricing details were not provided in the release.

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