Vay Launches Teledriving Car Service, Revolutionizing Urban Mobility

Vay, a Germany-based tech company, is set to change the way we travel with its innovative teledriving car service. Similar to Uber, but with a twist, Vay allows users to order a car that will be driven by a remote driver. This unique concept aims to provide drivers with more privacy and control while offering a cost-effective and safe solution to urban mobility.

With Vay, a skilled teledriver controls the car from a location equipped with screens that display real-time camera footage from the vehicle. To bystanders, it may appear as if the car is self-driving, but in reality, a human is always in control. This approach addresses the challenges and complexities of fully autonomous vehicles, ensuring safety and security on public streets.

“After five years of developing our technology, we are bringing our vision to life in Las Vegas,” said Vay CEO Thomas von der Ohe. “Our convenient, affordable, and sustainable door-to-door mobility service aims to free cities from parked cars and make them more livable and greener.”

“Our founders believe that autonomous cars are really far in the future given all the edge cases that have to be solved,” said Caleb Varner, U.S. general manager for Vay. “Vay’s teledriving technology provides a practical solution that combines the best of both worlds – the convenience of a taxi and the control of a rental car.”

How Vay’s Teledriving Service Works

Vay’s teledriving service is currently available in the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) area and the Arts District. Users can simply order an electric car using the Vay app, and a teledriver will remotely bring the vehicle to their location. Once the user is in the car, they have full control and can drive to their desired destination.

Upon arrival, the teledriver takes over and either transports the car to the next user or parks it. The app allows for stopovers during the journey, offering flexibility to the users. The per-minute rental model ensures that users only pay for the time they use the car, making it a cost-effective alternative to traditional mobility solutions.

  • Vay service rates start at 30 cents per minute while driving and 3 cents per minute while waiting.
  • An early access user shared their experience, stating, “The new Vay service is not only the least expensive option to get from A to B, but it also provides me with the freedom to travel at my own pace as I’m alone in the car.”

Vay prioritizes safety and adheres to industry standards for vehicle safety, functional safety (ISO 26262), and cybersecurity (ISO 21434). The teledrivers undergo rigorous training through the Vay Teledrive Academy to ensure they navigate public streets safely. The technology has been independently tested by TÜV Süd, validating its reliability and security.

The Future of Teledriving and Urban Mobility

Vay’s teledriving service is a step towards reshaping urban mobility. By combining the advantages of taxi and rental car services, Vay offers a convenient, affordable, and customizable solution for users. The company plans to expand its service to other areas and is actively hiring and training teledrivers in the United States.

“We think the real value that we should be focused on today is to have you drive at a 20% to 50% discount on some of the next best alternatives at the same convenience,” said Caleb Varner.

Vay’s unique approach to teledriving eliminates the need for passengers to trust fully autonomous vehicles and provides human-controlled transportation that is cost-effective and efficient. The company’s continued development and expansion could revolutionize the future of urban mobility.

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