Exploring the Latest Developments in AI: 2nd Senate AI Insight Forum

Tomorrow, twenty-one prominent AI leaders will come together to discuss and share insights at the 2nd Senate AI Insight Forum. This event marks an important milestone in the ongoing efforts of the Senate to address the various challenges and opportunities in the field of AI. It comes as a follow-up to the previously planned series of nine forums, aimed at providing all 100 senators with a crash course on AI-related issues.

Forum Focus and Key Participants

The upcoming forum will center its discussions on “transformational innovation that pushes the boundaries of medicine, energy, and science, and the sustainable innovation necessary to drive advancements in security, accountability, and transparency in AI,” as stated in a press release by Senator Chuck Schumer’s office. Prominent individuals from diverse backgrounds will be sharing their expertise on the subject, including:

  • Marc Andreessen – Co-founder and General Partner of Andreessen Horowitz
  • Aidan Gomez – CEO of Cohere
  • Stella Biderman – Executive Director of EleutherAI
  • Derrick Johnson – President and CEO of the NAACP
  • Max Tegmark – President of the Effective Altruism-funded Future of Life Institute
  • Alondra Nelson – Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study and former White House technology advisor
  • Suresh Venkatasubramanian – Professor at Brown University and former White House technology advisor

The Legislative Proposal: Artificial Intelligence Advancement Act of 2023 (S. 3050)

In conjunction with the second forum, a new bill named the Artificial Intelligence Advancement Act of 2023 (S. 3050) has been announced. This legislation, sponsored by a bipartisan group of senators known as the AI Forums’ “Gang of Four,” aims to establish a bug bounty program and enforce reporting and analysis on data sharing, coordination, AI regulation in the financial sector, and AI-enabled military applications.

Previously, Senator Schumer had intended for the AI Insight Forums to take place in September and October of this year. However, due to various factors, the timeline has been extended. This adjustment may delay the progress of federal AI regulation in the United States. In light of this, Senator Schumer emphasized the urgency of the situation during the first AI Insight Forum:

“In past situations when things were this difficult, the natural reaction of a Senate or a House was to ignore the problem and let someone else do the job. But with AI we can’t be like ostriches sticking our heads in the sand. Only Congress can do the job, and if we wait until after AI has taken hold in society, it will have been too late.”

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