Snap Enhances AR Lenses with ChatGPT Integration and Lens Studio 5.0 Beta

Snap is taking augmented reality (AR) to the next level by integrating OpenAI’s ChatGPT into its AR Lenses. The collaboration between Snap and OpenAI has led to the creation of the ChatGPT Remote API, which gives Lens developers the ability to leverage the power of ChatGPT in their Lenses. This exciting development opens up new possibilities for immersive and interactive learning, conversations, and creative experiences for Snapchatters.

As part of this integration, Snap has also introduced a 3D face mask generator, making it easier than ever to create expressive and personalized Lenses. By combining the capabilities of Gen AI and advanced face mesh technology, Snap enables the rapid creation of viral Lenses in a matter of seconds.

At the recent Lens Fest 2023 event, Snap unveiled Lens Studio 5.0 beta, a cutting-edge tool for advanced AR development. With over 330,000 developers already working on the Snap ecosystem, Lens Studio 5.0 beta aims to empower this AR community with the most advanced tools available for crafting the next generation of AR experiences.

Lens Studio 5.0 beta focuses on enhancing performance, particularly when working on complex AR projects. Projects now load 18 times faster, streamlining the development process. Moreover, collaboration within development teams is greatly facilitated through support for version control tools like Git. This enables multiple developers to work on projects concurrently, making the creative process more efficient.

In addition to these innovative tools, Snap is committed to supporting developers in building their businesses and audiences on the platform. Last year, Snap introduced Lenses with Digital Goods, which allowed developers to incorporate revenue models directly into their Lenses. Now, Digital Goods are accessible to all developers, enabling the offering of exclusive AR features within Lenses that Snapchatters can unlock for a fee.

To promote Lenses with Digital Goods, Snap has created a dedicated section within Lens Explorer. This section actively showcases these Lenses, making them easily discoverable and accessible for Snapchatters.

“I’m really impressed by how easy it is to use the Lens Studio 5.0 Beta. The start-up speed is lightning fast, and enables developers to open multiple projects at the same time for more efficient workflows. And through the new Generative AI features, asset development is easier than ever before. Now, the AR creation workflow is more streamlined because developers can create assets right within Lens Studio, rather than relying on multiple external tools. The advancement of Gen AI features within Lens Studio opens developers to limitless creativity.”

– Jeetesh Singh, Snap Lens Network member

Furthermore, Snap is excited about the success of its Lens Creator Rewards program, which was launched earlier this year. The program offers monthly rewards of up to $7,200 for top-performing Lenses in select regions. In its inaugural month, the program attracted more than 45,000 Lenses, generating over 5 billion Lens interactions from Snapchatters.

“The new Lens Studio 5.0 Beta marks a huge step forward for AR development because it puts clever new tools that unlock unlimited possibilities right at your fingertips, all while being incredibly easy for AR developers to use. The new Generative AI features simplify the creation process into one straightforward workflow in Lens Studio, rather than using several external tools like I used before.”

– Inna Sparrow, Snap Lens Network member

With the introduction of ChatGPT integration, Lens Studio 5.0 beta, and ongoing support for developers, Snap is solidifying its position as a leading platform for AR creation and innovation. The company is dedicated to empowering AR developers with the tools and resources they need to push the boundaries of AR experiences, not only on Snapchat but also beyond through offerings like Camera Kit and Spectacles.

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