US Poised to Lead Global AI Regulation

Week of Intense AI Policy Activity

After the White House released its long-awaited, 100+ page Executive Order on “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy” AI yesterday — and my inbox practically exploded with offers of post-game analysis — I asked Merve Hickok, president of the independent nonprofit Center for AI and Digital Policy, about its timing. After all, the AI Executive Order came just two days before Vice President Kamala Harris crosses the pond to attend the highly-anticipated UK AI Safety Summit; the same day the G7 introduced a voluntary AI code of conduct; and just as the final negotiations around the EU AI Act are in “touching distance” of the finish line.

“There are multiple big-ticket happenings this week, so if you’re involved in those ‘World Cup’ conversations, it’s keeping you busy.”

Hickok laughed and said that she and her colleagues have begun to call this week the “World Cup” of AI policy.

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