Generative AI in Web Browsing: A New Era

Arc Introduces Perplexity: A Revolutionary Search Engine

Generative AI has expanded beyond content creation and is now reshaping web browsing itself. Startups Arc and Brave, both known for prioritizing privacy, have recently unveiled new features powered by generative AI for their respective browsers.

Arc, the minimalist browser developed by the Browser Company, has introduced the Perplexity generative AI search engine as an additional option for users to set as their default search engine. This groundbreaking addition offers a language model-powered web search tool that aims to rival established search engines such as Google and Bing.

Aravind Srinivas, CEO and co-founder of Perplexity, expressed his excitement on the social network X, stating, “It’s great news for Perplexity, which is aiming to offer a large language model (LLM)-powered web search tool to rival Google and Bing, providing intelligent, updated summaries along with links to sources, and which many users say is already better than those older search options.”

With the integration of Perplexity into Arc, the AI startup gains access to a wider user base, allowing them to further enhance their AI models and cultivate a growing and loyal user community.

Leo Gets an Upgrade: Brave’s AI Browser Chatbot Assistant

Unlike Arc, Brave is taking things a step further. The privacy-focused browser startup has announced an upgrade for Leo, its AI browser chatbot assistant. Leo will now be powered by Mixtral 8x7B, an open-source language model developed by the French startup Mistral and based on Meta’s Llama technology.

Mixtral 8x7B has proven to be one of the most powerful and performant language models available in the world. With its advanced “mixture of experts” approach, which leverages multiple LLMs for different tasks, Mixtral 8x7B outperforms its predecessors.

Brave’s CTO and co-founder, Brian Bondy, emphasized their focus on creating novel and convenient browsing experiences, stating, “Our aim is to create novel and convenient use cases in the context of users’ browsing sessions, and to help our users interact with the Web in groundbreaking ways.”

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