Hiber’s Revolutionary Generative AI for 3D World Creation

The Era of AI-Enhanced 3D Worlds

Hiber has unveiled a groundbreaking upgrade to its 3D world creation tools by integrating generative AI, a move that simplifies the process of world-building significantly.

A Collaborative Breakthrough

This exciting milestone was recently showcased at the Google Cloud Next event in San Francisco, marking the result of a collaborative effort between Hiber, Datatonic, and Google Cloud.

The integration of generative AI into Hiber3D introduces a game-changing feature: the ability for creators to utilize natural language prompts in crafting 3D worlds.

“Our vision was to make creating 3D worlds as easy, accessible, and fun as possible.”

Hiber, headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, is on a mission to democratize participation in the 3D web. Their existing suite of creator tools, including the Hiber3D Development Kit and a user-friendly no-code tool, has already facilitated the creation of over five million 3D worlds on the HiberWorld user-generated content (UGC) platform.

Michael Yngfors, CEO of Hiber, emphasized the significance of this achievement: “It’s a major milestone for us as a company. Our vision was to make creating 3D worlds as easy, accessible, and fun as possible, and this is a significant step in that direction.”

The Power of Hiber3D Engine

Supporting these tools is the Hiber3D engine, designed to target any device with a web browser and provide a comprehensive suite of services for creators. These services include multiplayer capabilities, chat functionality, identity management, payment processing, and seamless commerce connections.

By integrating generative AI with these services, Hiber is evolving its offering into a dynamic creation platform, taking 3D world development to the next level.

Revolutionizing the Cost Barrier

The technical foundation of this integration leverages Google Cloud services and innovative AI algorithms. Yngfors explained that this approach reduces some of the costs associated with generative AI, which traditionally demands significant computing power to process vast language models.

Collaborating with Datatonic and Google Cloud, Hiber tapped into its extensive collection of 3D world creation data to deliver a unique solution that empowers users to generate 3D worlds using natural language prompts. This revolutionary approach expands the creative horizons of users and streamlines the world-building process.

“We want users to build quality with us and help shape our platform’s future.”

Players can gradually populate their virtual worlds using natural language commands, from adding towering structures to creating serene landscapes. The question now is whether this approach will ensure both quality and cost-effectiveness.

According to Sean Kauppinen, Chief Strategy Officer and Marketing Head at Hiber, there are no immediate plans to impose limits: “We want users to build quality with us and help shape our platform’s future. We believe this approach will yield the best results.”

By partnering with Google, the company is confident in managing the associated costs. Over time, a sustainable business model will be developed to support ongoing growth.

AI Co-Pilot: Enhancing the User Experience

Hiber’s long-term roadmap includes the introduction of an AI co-pilot, designed to assist users by providing live suggestions and streamlining the creation process. This co-pilot will not only generate content on command but also offer informed recommendations, further enriching the user experience.

Hiber3D’s Impact on Brands

Hiber3D has already attracted the attention of forward-thinking brands seeking to expand their virtual presence and offer innovative experiences. Luxury fashion label Tommy Hilfiger, for instance, chose Hiber3D to create Tommy Parallel, an interoperable virtual universe for its community. This venture resulted in the creation of over 1.2 million Tommy Parallel digital wearables within the first month of launch.

Founded in 2017, Hiber has secured investments from EQT Ventures, Luminar Ventures, and Sybo. With a team of 35 people and $20 million in funding to date, the company plans to generate revenue through 3D shops where players can purchase Ready Player Me avatars.

An intriguing aspect of Hiber’s platform is its interconnected network of 3D worlds. Players can seamlessly traverse between different worlds via portals, creating a vast and immersive metaverse.

“The metaverse may be in vogue now, but our focus remains on making 3D world creation accessible to all.”

Sean Kauppinen commented on the current fascination with the metaverse: “The metaverse has become a hype cycle and is changing the landscape. However, our primary focus remains on making 3D world creation accessible and enjoyable for everyone.”

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